package cas.cs4tb3.mellowd.parser;
import cas.cs4tb3.mellowd.Articulation;
import cas.cs4tb3.mellowd.Dynamic;
import cas.cs4tb3.mellowd.PlayableSound;
import cas.cs4tb3.mellowd.TimingEnvironment;
import cas.cs4tb3.mellowd.midi.GeneralMidiConstants;
import cas.cs4tb3.mellowd.primitives.Chord;
import cas.cs4tb3.mellowd.primitives.Phrase;
import org.antlr.v4.runtime.Token;
import javax.sound.midi.InvalidMidiDataException;
import javax.sound.midi.MidiEvent;
import javax.sound.midi.ShortMessage;
import javax.sound.midi.Track;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
This class is a core element in the compiler. It does a good majority of the actual translation to MIDI events. It is responsible for keeping its own time so that it knows where to place events when they are received.
public class Block {
This declaration specifies the amount to bend the pitch each glissando step
private static final int BEND_AMT = 128;
These are the the longer stateful fields that stay around for a while. They are mostly used for referencing.
private final TrackManager trackManager;
private final TimingEnvironment timingEnv;
private final Track track;
private BlockOptions options;
private final String name;
These fields are actively changing and are used for temporary holding data between adding phrases and sounds.
private long time = 0;
private Dynamic dynamic;
private List<Phrase> dynBuffer = new LinkedList<>();
private boolean cres;
private boolean decres;
private Token cresToken;
This data will help with looped compilation units. In order to append events we need to know at what time the block opened and all the events added since it was opened. This way when the block is closed we can add all of the events again.
private int loopCount = 0;
private long passStartTime = 0L;
private List<MidiEvent> addedThisPass = new LinkedList<>();
This message need to be delayed by one note so it needs to be stored somewhere stateful. When a pitch change is made we want to cancel it right before the next note but at the time the note is received the compiler doesn’t know when the next note will be so we can hold onto the reset up here.
private ShortMessage queuedPitchReset;
protected Block(TrackManager trackManager, TimingEnvironment timingEnv, Track track, BlockOptions options, String name, Dynamic dynamic) {
this.trackManager = trackManager;
this.timingEnv = timingEnv;
this.track = track;
this.options = options; = name;
this.dynamic = dynamic;
public BlockOptions getOptions() {
return this.options;
public String getName() {
public void setDynamic(Dynamic dynamic) throws InvalidMidiDataException {
If the block is currently in a decrescendo but the token we just encountered is louder than the current dynamic the a crescendo is what should have been specified.
if (this.decres && dynamic.getVelocity() >= this.dynamic.getVelocity())
throw new ParseException(cresToken, "Decrescendo specified but next volume token (" + dynamic.getVelocity()
+ ") is the same or louder than the first (" + this.dynamic.getVelocity()
+ "). Did you mean crescendo?");
If the block is currently in a crescendo but the token we just encountered is quieter than the current dynamic the a decrescendo is what should have been specified.
if (this.cres && dynamic.getVelocity() <= this.dynamic.getVelocity())
throw new ParseException(cresToken, "Crescendo specified but next volume token (" + dynamic.getVelocity()
+ ") is the same or quieter than the first (" + this.dynamic.getVelocity()
+ "). Did you mean decrescendo?");
If we are currently is a gradual dynamic change then this means all additions
have been queued in the dynBuffer
and they need to be compiled now that we
know the target dynamic.
if (this.cres || this.decres) {
First we need to collect all the sounds from all of the queued phrases
List<PlayableSound> sounds = new LinkedList<>();
for (Phrase buffered : this.dynBuffer) {
Collections.addAll(sounds, buffered.getSounds());
Apply the appropriate dynamic to the sounds
this.dynamic.graduallyApplyToAllSounds(dynamic, this.timingEnv, sounds);
Finally add all the sounds to the track
for (PlayableSound sound : sounds) {
Reset everything
this.cres = false;
this.decres = false;
Set the current dynamic state.
this.dynamic = dynamic;
The crescendo and decrescendo methods are used to mark the block as gradually changing velocity. This means that all phrases are held until the target of the change is specified at the end of the phrases that the change is applied to.
It requires a token simply for possible error messages later on.
public void crescendo(Token cresToken) {
this.cres = true;
this.decres = false;
this.cresToken = cresToken;
public void decrescendo(Token decresToken) {
this.cres = false;
this.decres = true;
this.cresToken = decresToken;
This is the entry point for incoming data. Phrases that need to be compiled are passed into this method.
public void addPhrase(Phrase phrase) throws InvalidMidiDataException {
If the block is in a gradual change then the dynamic is not yet known and the phrase should be queued for later.
if (this.cres || this.decres) {
Queue the phrase
} else {
We can compile it now because there is no crescendo or decrescendo happening so the dynamic is static.
This method compiles the phrase using the current dynamic for all sounds in the phrase.
protected void addPhraseStaticDynamic(Phrase phrase) throws InvalidMidiDataException {
for (PlayableSound sound : phrase.getSounds()) {
This method adds loop support for the block. If the block’s loop count is positive, meaning that the data compiled in this segment will be repeat, then the event must be saved so it can be repeated when the block closes.
The event must also be added to the track.
private void addEventToTrack(MidiEvent event) {
if (loopCount > 0) {
Here is where the real compilation happens. This method compiles a single sound including the articulation.
protected void addSound(PlayableSound sound) throws InvalidMidiDataException {
First things first, we need to add the queuedPitchReset
if one exists
so that this sound isn’t bend out of shape.
if (this.queuedPitchReset != null) {
addEventToTrack(new MidiEvent(this.queuedPitchReset, time-1));
this.queuedPitchReset = null;
The channel is a major part of the MIDI scheduling so it is always left to the TrackManager to decide on the channel. We will only ask once per sound because changing channels in the middle of playing a sound is not possible.
TrackManager.Channel channel = this.trackManager.getChannel(this);
The plain sound data is retrieved from the sound. This base data will then pass through the articulation modifications to tweak it for a more custom sound.
long tickDuration = this.timingEnv.ticksInBeat(sound.getDuration());
if (sound.isSlurred() || sound.getArticulation().equals(Articulation.TENUTO))
tickDuration += tickDuration/8;
int velocity = sound.getVelocity();
int offVelocity = sound.isSlurred() ? 1 : 96;
boolean roll = false;
long offsetStep = 0;
Apply the articulation effects
switch (sound.getArticulation()) {
Staccato makes the performance short and choppy. Described in jazz
as dit
. To achieve this effect the duration will be chopped to a
third of its value and the note will be ended very quickly.
tickDuration = tickDuration / 3;
offVelocity = 127;
Staccatissimo makes the performance short but more powerful. It is given some more emphasis. It is similar to staccato but the duration is going to be chopped to a half (rather than a third) and it will be played with a bit more velocity.
tickDuration = tickDuration / 2;
velocity = Math.max(127, velocity + 3);
offVelocity = 127;
Marcato is the same a staccato but with more power. It is referred to
as dhat
by jazz musicians and to preform a note with articulated with marcato
the note’s duration will be chopped to a third, the velocity will be increased
and the note will be release very quickly.
tickDuration = tickDuration / 3;
velocity = Math.max(127, velocity + 5);
offVelocity = 127;
An accent is played by attacking the note. This gives it a much faster velocity and
will also drop off a bit quicker than the average note. This is sometimes referred to
as dah
by jazz musicians.
case ACCENT:
velocity = Math.max(127, velocity + 6);
offVelocity = 113;
Tenuto is the equivalent of a single note slur. It is also called doo
by jazz musicians
and so in order to preform a tenuto note the note will be let off as slow as possible with
a slightly longer duration.
case TENUTO:
tickDuration = tickDuration + (tickDuration / 8);
offVelocity = 1;
Gliscando is a glide. It can be preformed as a pitch bend. To preform a gliscando a total of 16 pitch bend changes will give the effect that the note is falling or climbing (depending on the direction of bend). These changes will be equally spaced over the duration of the note as to not interfere with the next note. Additionally a reset message will be queued for the next note to take.
If the sound is a chord a gliscando should be preformed as a roll.
if (sound.isChord()) {
roll = true;
The roll will play the first note in the chord right on the down beat. Each
consecutive note in the chord will be delayed by the offsetStep
offsetStep = tickDuration / (((Chord) sound.getSound()).size() * 2);
otherwise preform the gliscando as a pitch bend.
} else {
int bendAmt = GeneralMidiConstants.NO_PITCH_BEND;
int bendTickOffset;
for (bendTickOffset = 0; bendTickOffset < tickDuration; bendTickOffset += tickDuration / 16) {
bendAmt += BEND_AMT;
ShortMessage message = new ShortMessage(ShortMessage.PITCH_BEND, channel.midiChannelNum, 0x7F & bendAmt, 0x7F & (bendAmt >> 7));
addEventToTrack(new MidiEvent(message, time + bendTickOffset));
this.queuedPitchReset = new ShortMessage(ShortMessage.PITCH_BEND, channel.midiChannelNum, 0x7F & GeneralMidiConstants.NO_PITCH_BEND, 0x7F & (GeneralMidiConstants.NO_PITCH_BEND >> 7));
Initialize the offset to 0. If !roll
then this offset will remain at 0. If
the roll
is set to true each time a note is added to the track the next is offset
long offset = 0L;
Now that all of the performance data is set we can create the events and add them to the track.
for (ShortMessage message : sound.getSound().noteOn(channel.midiChannelNum, velocity)) {
addEventToTrack(new MidiEvent(message, this.time + offset));
if (roll) offset += offsetStep;
offset = 0;
The off events will occur after the note completion hence the this.time + tickDuration
for (ShortMessage message : sound.getSound().noteOff(channel.midiChannelNum, offVelocity)) {
addEventToTrack(new MidiEvent(message, this.time + tickDuration + offset));
if (roll) offset += offsetStep;
Lastly we need to increase the state time as we just played some music!
this.time += this.timingEnv.ticksInBeat(sound.getDuration());
This method repeats all of the events added in the most recent block fragment
private void addLoopedEvents() {
We need to know the duration of a single pass to properly update the state time each loop.
long passDuration = this.time - this.passStartTime;
For each loop add all of events added in the most recent fragment
for (int i = 0; i < loopCount; i++) {
for (MidiEvent event : addedThisPass) {
The time for the event is going to be the start time relative. To calculate it we will take
the relative start time but subtracting the block fragment’s original start time (passStartTime
from the event’s time (event.getTick()
). Then all that has to be done is shift it up
to the most recent time.
this.track.add(new MidiEvent(event.getMessage(), event.getTick() - this.passStartTime + this.time));
Now that we have added an entire loop we can increase the state time accordingly
this.time += passDuration;
Lastly reset the loop data
this.loopCount = 0;
This method should be invoked to notify the block that the options have changed. Some changes require additional events to be added to the track or other various state changes.
protected void updateBlockOptions(Token blockNameToken, BlockOptions options, boolean force) throws InvalidMidiDataException {
Save the old options for comparing but use the new options when invoking trackmanager methods
BlockOptions oldOptions = this.options;
this.options = options;
If a channel is selected and different from the current channel we will make a request for the track manager to change to it.
if (oldOptions.isChannelSelected() && oldOptions.getSelectedChannel() != this.options.getSelectedChannel()) {
String reasonForDenial = this.trackManager.requestChannel(this, oldOptions.getSelectedChannel());
if (reasonForDenial != null) {
throw new ParseException(blockNameToken, "Cannot select midi channel "+oldOptions.getSelectedChannel()+". Reason: "+reasonForDenial);
} else {
Ask the track manager for the channel it is on
TrackManager.Channel channel = this.trackManager.getChannel(this);
If the update is forced or the instrument has changed since the last update then some MIDI program change events need to be added.
if (force || oldOptions.getInstrument() != this.options.getInstrument()
|| oldOptions.getSoundbank() != this.options.getSoundbank()) {
If a soundbank was specified preform the soundbank change sequence described in the General MIDI Constants.
if (oldOptions.getSoundbank() != 0) {
this.track.add(new MidiEvent(new ShortMessage(ShortMessage.CONTROL_CHANGE, channel.midiChannelNum, GeneralMidiConstants.BANK_SELECT_CC_1, GeneralMidiConstants.BANK_SELECT_CC_1_VAL), time));
this.track.add(new MidiEvent(new ShortMessage(ShortMessage.CONTROL_CHANGE, channel.midiChannelNum, GeneralMidiConstants.BANK_SELECT_CC_2, oldOptions.getSoundbank()), time));
Add the program change message
this.track.add(new MidiEvent(new ShortMessage(ShortMessage.PROGRAM_CHANGE, channel.midiChannelNum, oldOptions.getInstrument(), 0), time));
This method is invoked by the compiler when this block in entered.
protected void enterBlock(Token blockNameToken, BlockOptions options) throws InvalidMidiDataException {
Update the options because they may have changed.
this.updateBlockOptions(blockNameToken, options, false);
if (options.getLoopCount() > 0) {
this.loopCount = options.getLoopCount();
} else {
this.loopCount = 0;
Mark the start time in case we need to loop
this.passStartTime = this.time;
This method is invoked by the compiler when a block is exited.
protected void leaveBlock() {
If a loop request was made now is the time to cash in all the newly added events.
if (loopCount > 0) addLoopedEvents();
MidiEvent endOfTrackEvent = track.get(track.size()-1);
endOfTrackEvent.setTick(endOfTrackEvent.getTick() + timingEnv.getPPQ());
When the song is finished we may need to report some “unclosed” operations like a crescendo.
protected void finish() {
if (!this.dynBuffer.isEmpty())
throw new ParseException(this.cresToken, "Gradual change specified but found EOF before the target" +
" dynamic is specified.");